Released in 1992 and taking place directly after the events of “Evil Dead II,” the film begins where the last left off… sorta. However, “Army of Darkness” doesn’t tend to reach the same levels of iconicity that the first and second had. He is pretty fast and can spawn up to 3 versions of himself.With a substantially larger budget than the already larger budgeted “Evil Dead II,” with $11 million Raimi was able to break away from the small simple one location set designs of the previous movies for much more grandiose scenes/settings and technical achievements in “Army of Darkness.” Filled with more puppets, monsters, models, stop-motion, makeup effects, and explosions, it is the largest film of the series. The Hell Knight kills every class instantly except the Heavy and Soldier, suggesting he deals nearly 200 damage. You can still hear his roaring if the player dies without moving. The Hell Knight is a Boss in the Doom 3 pack.
Essentially, rather than being the new version of its namesake, the Doom 3 Hell Knight is the reinterpretation of the original Baron of Hell. It is probably for this reason that there is no Baron of Hell in Doom 3 the Hell Knight fills the role. The Doom 3 Hell Knight is actually tougher than the original Hell Knight, having almost as many hitpoints as the original Baron the Doom 3 Hell Knight takes six direct rocket hits to kill, while the old Baron usually took five (depending on the random damage rolls). However, its ranged attacks are somewhat easier to dodge, as the Hell Knight's height means they are launched from farther up, making it possible to literally run under them. However, it has a biting attack, which gives it a farther reach, and the green plasma it throws are much larger, more powerful, and have a wider area of effect, making them more dangerous in enclosed spaces. The Hell Knight's attacks are similar to those of the Imp's: it throws fireballs at long range and substitutes to clawing attacks at close range, but it lacks sudden leaps and its clawing attacks are much slower, which gives the player enough time to dodge. The Hell Knight is a boss in Slender Fortress. Hell Knight theme shares the chase theme of SCP-049
Roars really loud and sometimes makes an even louder sound when he kills someone An extremely loud roar, different from the Guardian's